Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Favorites

I needed a giggle this morning so today I'm reminding myself of the first time we opened our pool. I was so excited as I was planning a big surprise birthday party for Jared and I wanted the pool to be ready in time. We rushed to get it uncovered and boy were we shocked at what we found in the pool.

Froggie Whore House

Two years ago, I went to Brazil for work and the day after I left, Jared left for two weeks on an expedition to the Gulf of Mexico. He would not be home in time for my birthday. So he sent me an orchid plant to work as a gift while he was away. It was so thoughtful of him because I had been on about how much I wanted an orchid plant in the kitchen. The orchid bloomed and had blooms for about a year. It was so beautiful. Then the petals fell and we thought it may have died. We kept watering and feeding it as needed hoping it would bloom again but after almost a year we seemed to have lost hope.

Then about a month or so ago I was dusting in the dining room and happened to notice that the plant had grown another stem and on the stem was a bloom in its early stage. I immediately called to Jared and we excitedly watched it. Yesterday I put the orchid back in the kitchen with its three bursting blooms. I can not wait for the flowers to show themselves again. Orchids are the most serene and beautiful flowers. They elegantly display themselves on their delicate stems for months at a time while we get to gaze at their angelic blossom. I'm so much looking forward to my orchid blooms.

1 comment:

Bella@That damn expat said...

Those pictures are beautiful! Very peaceful looking.

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