Thursday, February 12, 2009

A New Me

In a previous post I mentioned being in a rut and who can blame me to be honest. This whole country seems to be in a rut right now. People are losing their jobs left and right, budgets are getting slashed, vacations cancelled, and savings accounts are getting cherished more than ever before. In the past few days I have been feeling pretty sorry for myself because of my current situation, my rut. I've been needing to work a lot more extra hours, seeing less of my darling hubby, and not having the energy to do things I love: write, read, blog, and doing nothing at all...

Every day the same routine, and I think to myself, BORING! Why can't my life be exciting again? Why am I not doing the things I want to do? I have some serious lack of motivation issues going on and I don't know how to change that. So this morning I got up early with a new thought in my mind: Just.

It's just sleep, you don't need too much of it. It's just a 30 minute energy bursting Pilates DVD to help you start your day. It's just cleaning up the kitchen before work that takes like two seconds. It's just running that extra load of wash before I leave as well, to save me time later. It's just work. Say that again. It's just a job.

It's just a trip to the bank. It's just a visit with Cheun and her beautiful boys for lunch and I can stay longer than an hour just this once. It's just a computer, don't blame it! It's just 15 minutes early, no matter if you leave, you've worked hard.

So in other words, it's not that hard. It's just this or that and I'll slowly get back to my old self. Also, I've decided to dedicate time each day or at least a couple times a week to write and every morning I'm going to do this pilates DVD for energy. I hope I'll be less tired, less argumentative, and more fun. So that is the plan for the new me.

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