Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A few random words to the wise...

I just spent the last twenty minutes talking to myself at home while I finished some last stitch chores at work and made myself an amazing sandwich for lunch. I have a bunch of random thoughts in my head that I felt it necessary to post about...

I talk to myself, a lot.

I think it's funny how as soon as you get married, people expect to see you expecting immediately following.

I think it's even funnier that I've been making my family wait! No all kidding aside, I will let everyone know when we are going to have a baby and it's none of your DAMN business! I mean this in the nicest way.

I think funnier still that my grandmother told me over the weekend she can't wait to meet Justin and Jocelyn; the names she's picked out for my my future children. I had to smile at that one!

I find it not odd at all that I'm entirely obsessed with this new, fresh turkey breast I have every day for lunch. I'm addicted.

It's funny that I bet no one cares what kind of sandwhich I eat.

I'm excited I'm doing a interview with Melissa Foster about her new book, Megan's Way. See top of blog for the advertisement. It's my first author interview so that is pretty cool.

I am humming and have been all day.

It's only Wednesday and I'm in a great mood.

Chipper actually, that would be my mood.

Arrested Development is seriously the funniest show I've ever seen. That's why I watch it on Hulu during lunch.

I love that I saved my 300th post for these ramblings. Way to go 300!

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