Saturday, March 28, 2009

To Tricia

One year ago today, a wonderful woman lost her life fighting cancer. Every day since then I have thought of her. When life is getting me down and I find tears in my eyes wondering if I'm going to make it through the day, I look up and say, Hi Tricia! I know my life is not half as hard as hers was. I wave and just knowing she's there makes me smile and feel better.

Every day when I look up at the clock it just so happens to be 11:11 and I smile and think of Tricia. I get sad and think of her husband, Larry. But then I realize how lucky I am to have known her for the short time I did. I know right now whenever life is rough or I just need a smile, I can look up to the sky and know Tricia is there (with my Uncle Wayne).

So here's to you, Tricia. One year later, never forgotten, thought of often, and always loved. Rest in peace...

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