Thursday, August 25, 2011

Top 10 Things that have been Annoying me Lately

I am very easily annoyed.  So in order to complain all at once, here are the top ten annoyances in my life currently:

  1. People who call me, leave a message and then email me to tell me they just left me a message (or vice versa).  Like I am incapable to hear a voice mail?  Drives me BONKERS!
  2. If I call someone but don't leave a message, it makes me crazy when they call me back just cause they saw a missed call.  I hear, "Hi, I saw you called me?".  Well, if I really wanted to talk to you I'd have left a message so stop being a STALKER!
  3. If I don't respond to your email in .02 seconds I get a follow up.  "Just wanted to confirm you got my email."  Um do you people NOT trust technology?  It works, 99% of the time...
  4. Suction cups that have appeared to be on my daughter's hands and legs.  She is suctioned on to me at all times lately.  I heard about this clingy stage but it's driving me crazy lately since I'm so busy at work. But I will admit the first few times she cried when I tried to leave I liked it. Made me feel so wanted.
  5. The fact that I don't ever get snail mail! I only get bills and magazines.  I want some real, good stuff people!
  6. Rising costs of EVERYTHING!  Man, I can't even go to Dunkin Donuts anymore.  They want more than $6 for a coffee and a donut and milk for Lyla.  Ridiculous!
  7. My husband tells me to lighten up and stop acting so old.  So on a Monday night I got trashed, ate about 15 s'mores and then tried to jump in our pool with all my clothes on.  Did I mention it was a Monday night?  And then he tells me I'm acting ridiculous. WTF! (by the way it was a lot of fun that night, not so much Tuesday morning...)
  8. My life is 178% consumed by my job right now and I'm getting the evil eye every time I ask the hubby for just one hour to myself to do nothing ("well I'm busy doing this, you're the mom, I did all cleaning, etc).  He's a great guy but such a PUNK sometimes!
  9. I'm still doing this stupid dieting cause I don't want to be a lardass while I wait to have another baby.  But honestly I feel like I should just be pregnant cause dieting sucks ass.  And anyways, if I'm going to have another baby eventually, some day, why should I bother to lose weight now?  UGH!
  10. It's 3:30 and I'm dying for a cocktail...
Okay enough complaining and back to work...

Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

Connect4 said...

You still haven't responded to my e-mail!

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