Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Count Your Blessings Wednesday

Today is going to be a long day, and it's only 8:30 in the morning and I'm exhausted already.  On my agenda for today:
- work my 8-9 hours
- take care of the little one all day
- drive a 2 hour round trip to my office to pick some things up; little girl in tow
- visit a friend for dinner
- come home and pack work stuff for a day trip meeting in Queens
- clean house, do laundry, dishes, etc...
- fit in a workout and shower...

I'm even more tired just thinking of it.  But alas I'm grateful for today, for yesterday and for tomorrow.  I'm grateful for life and everything in it.  Here are a few other things I'm grateful for today:

  1. Doctors.
  2. Nurses.
  3. Modern technology.
  4. Family - the family members that really care and are always there.
  5. Lyla; I just love her.
  6. Babies; because there are babies being born and women getting pregnant all around me. Am I ready for number 2?  I'll keep you posted - NOT!  None of your damn business!
  7. Jared even though he snores, is cranky, and nags worse than me!
  8. Books and I can't wait to pick one for my train ride tomorrow!
  9. Kind people.
  10. Work places who appreciate their employees.

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