Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Count your blessings Wednesday

I woke up this morning a little more perkier than usual. I can't decide if it's because of the gigantic pillow (To be explained) or because I'm almost halfway through the week!

So today I'm grateful for:

  1. My new pillow which hopefully will be a success if it does not suffocate me (see below).
  2. For the weather. I love this weather. Not hot but not cold. Just a little chill in the air making long sleeves necessary but no coat. This is by far the best time of year.
  3. For pasta. Lately I've been eating pasta. Again, not so good for the behind but pretty good on the sensitive stomach.
  4. For double zumba tonight! I'm taking 2 classes in a row. Either I'll be energized or may pass out. Not sure which will come first.
  5. For the coffee being right this morning. Each night I make coffee to automatically brew in the morning for the hubby. Yesterday I set it up without the coffee part and he had only hot water. Oops! They are not kidding when they say women go brainless when pregnant... Today it was done correctly.
  6. I'm grateful for my mom who calls me every morning, lunch time, and evening to make sure I'm feeling okay.
  7. Hulu . Seriously if you have not discovered Hulu yet, get on it! I've been watching Greek on ABC Family on Hulu every day during lunch. I'm hooked! Such a corny show...
  8. Mints. They make me feel better.
  9. Family. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks at my cous' wedding in Orlando. Yay!
  10. This new life.

I wanted to share some pictures today that I had lying around on my camera. Jared has been working so hard on the grass and with the fall foliage starting my yard just looks picturesque. I'm so grateful to have a hard working husband and beautiful gardens.

Sooty has been in the habit of sleeping in our dirty, yes dirty, laundry basket. I keep finding him in it. Super weird! Jared gave him a blanket of a t-shirt so I had to take a picture of this cutie.

The pillow story: Ever since I started feeling my pregnancy symptoms, I've had trouble sleeping. I usually sleep on my belly but I've been unable to causing lots of torture for me and Jared all night. I thought maybe a big pillow would help and I could still sleep on my belly. I showed Jared and his response was why not find one that will really help. The next thing I know, he's blowing up my email with pillow after pillow. Finally he sends me one that he says is the best overall after reading all the reviews. I laughed of course because only Jared would decide on a pillow based on peoples reviews! So I took a look at it and couldn't believe how gigantic it was. He said to order it even though I was a bit hesitant. I have anxiously awaited it's arrival as if the minute my head hits it I will have instant sleep.

Finally when I got home yesterday, there it was. I took it out of the bag and was shocked to see how gigantic it really was. I held it up with some struggle to find it taller than me (not too difficult). I brought it up to my bed and it was pretty overwhelming. When I got into bed last night I snuggled into it and was immediately comfortable. How Jared fit into bed with me, I'll never know. I was as they say, snug as a bug in a rug and slept wonderfully. However I'm not used to sleeping so well so there has to be a hitch somewhere. That is what I found out this morning. Where the hell am I gonna store this thing?


Melissa Foster said...

I want that big pillow!!!
I am thankful for my mother today.

HeatherB said...

Where did you get that pillow??

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