Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Having a day...

I'm having a day. One of those days when I'm not motivated to do anything. A day when I'd rather be outside sitting by my pool than being in my cube at work, pretending to be hard at work. You know, a day when anywhere is better than here.

Lately I've felt so completely unmotivated to do anything at all. Oh, laundry needs to be done - so what. Dishes in the sink - who cares. Someone emailed me and they need a response - they can wait. Honestly my motivation is seriously lacking.

Today is not the only day I've been like this and this is probably the least bad it's been this summer but it's still there. The past few weeks I have had to literally drag myself to do anything and I don't know why. I'm just dying to do nothing at all, all the time. I looked around me yesterday as I was spending my lunch break watching Arrested Development and realized my life was a mess currently; purely because of lack of motivation. I sat my ass up finally and realized I needed to get a grip otherwise when I get busy again, I'm going to be miserable and behind.

I definitely did my chores yesterday and felt better about myself but I feel myself today sinking back into the "I don't want to do anything" mode. I'm not sure if it's just me or the time of year or what but it's seriously annoying and needs to stop asap!

So it was funny today when I got to my desk and saw this interesting looking postcard that said: Get Motivated! No joke. I had details about this seminar that will be taking place next month and I thought wow, someone is speaking to me. Maybe I should go...?

But anyway, I need to wake up out of this funk and start doing things again. I'm going to google 'how to get motivated' the rest of the afternoon. Maybe that will work.

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