Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Count Your Blessings Wednesday

Every day there is so much to be grateful for. Sometimes I feel people don't appreciate what they have around them and just focus on what they don't have and want/need. That is why it is important for me to take time every week and be grateful to ten things in my life. Be it small or large, simple or difficult, this exercise lifts my spirits no matter what. It's something each and everyone of us should do on a daily basis.

Today I'm grateful for:
  1. The sun. We haven't had much sun lately this summer, surprisingly. Our plants need it, our flowers, fruits, and vegetables are craving it, and most of all I need it. So thanks sun for making an appearance today.
  2. That I have Zumba! four days a week through August. Yahooooo! The fact that people are starting to notice a difference in the way I look after so many Zumba! classes makes it even more worthwhile. Even more so that I love, love, love my Zumba! class!
  3. I'm thankful today no one saw me say, "Hello there Mr. Froggie," to a rock I thought was a frog while I watered the flowers. Yeah, that was awkward for me and the rock.
  4. I'm grateful that this weekend I get my birthday present from March! Jared bought us tickets to go to Tanglewood and listen to the Boston Pops lead by John Williams. I'm so excited!
  5. For my cats. I love my two cats like my children since I don't have kids yet. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night because I wanted to turn around and realized Smudge was sprawled out on me with her head tucked under my chin. It was so cute but I was definitely up and unable to go back to sleep.
  6. I'm grateful for my family.
  7. I'm grateful for my health and whatever is left of it...
  8. I'm thankful for cereal. Seriously I love cereal. Especially Cheerios and Berry Berry Kix.
  9. I'm grateful for the music of Paul Simon, still.
  10. I'm thankful to Jared for adding all our music to the computer so we have a juke box of sorts and I can dance and sing to whatever I want, whenever I want. The coolest thing ever by the way...

1 comment:

Dandy said...

Hello Mr. Froggie made me laugh :)

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