Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Animal Cruelty is Not Cool

Two years ago I was shocked by the discovery and conviction of Michael Vick (the NFL star). I read one article and saw one news story and that was enough for me. I felt ill that a human being could be so cruel to an animal. To me, killing an animal for fun is like murdering a human being out of spite; no matter what.

The things that Vick did to those poor dogs was inexcusable, disgusting, and downright inhumane in every way. I was glad he went to jail, despite his stardom, because he deserved it. I got a news bulletin in my email telling me yesterday that Vick is out of prison and back in the NFL. What! So you're telling me that it's okay to be a star, kill dogs, run a dog fighting ring, and then kill off the ones that don't fight well as long as you go to jail a few years, say your sorry and then you get your life back? I'm sorry, that is not right. What kind of lesson is this teaching to children all over that idolize stars like Vick every day? What kind of role model is he going to be now? A person that does terrible things like that does not change overnight. The crimes he committed were so over the top wrong that I can't imagine a few years in prison make him all of a sudden a whole different person. Not that I want to compare the crimes because they are totally different but look at sex offenders. They get caught and they are labeled the rest of their lives. A majority of them keep up the wrong doing because that is how they are wired.

I genuinely feel sick that the commissioner of the NFL is allowing someone like Vick to get his life back after what he has done. If you commit a crime, you should pay the price - and I'm not just talking about jail time. He ruined his life when he killed all those dogs and it's unfair that he should just get his life back like he did nothing wrong.

1 comment:

Sumit said...

I think I agree, Jessie. There ought to be no mercy for someone indulging in cruelty to animals.

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