Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Count Your Blessings Wednesday

So grateful, ever so grateful today, for:

  1. The fact that I don't have the swine flu. Or at least I don't think I do. Although I was coughing earlier this week and had a sore throat. I feel so awful for those that have died of the swine flu so far so don't get me wrong but that is just not a way I could go. I don't want to be a number when I die. "We are up to 32 deaths with the swine flu..." Yeah, that's not me. When I die, I want it to be unique so unfortunately pandemics and natural disasters are just not my thing. My thoughts and prays are with everyone who is suffering with the swine flu in hopes they do not become yet another number.
  2. My hydrangea trees are alive! I was starting to panic that I was a tree murderer but all is well. In the fall I pruned them back and it seemed to be a little too hard. Every day I have been watching them for signs of life to no avail. But on Sunday I saw some. Yippie! I am not a murderer after all!
  3. For the weather. It is so nice to not wear a winter coat and sludge around in the snow. Happy warm weather!
  4. The Yankees won last night. They were royally sucking...
  5. My in laws sent us a HUGE box of English chocolate and we still have more than half of it left to eat. Bring on the calories, baby!
  6. It's pay week and maybe we'll have time to go grocery shopping. I don't think I have ever seen our fridge so bare or eaten so much PB&J. Don't get me wrong, I love PB&J but I miss Jared's cooking because I'm spoiled.
  7. Hahaha! That as I'm writing this I can see a leftover penis lollipop from the bachelorette party just chillin' in the office. I totally need to put that in Jared's lunch tomorrow!
  8. I finally got to use our tractor lawn mower. Jared wouldn't let me do anything but ride up and down the drive way but I was happy and felt like a queen (or a cowgirlqueen).
  9. My Saturday Zumba! class is back. I'm so excited and totally enamoured, in love with, and addicted to Zumba!
  10. Finally, I'm grateful that this is my busiest week ever at work and I have managed to not kill myself yet, not kill someone else yet, and not fly off to Fiji and just forgetaboutit. Yay for me!

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