Monday, March 02, 2009

Snow day, shmo day...

First off, all you people who had a snow day as in no work, you suck! Even though we had 8 plus inches of snow and it's still falling it means nothing to me as I work from home every Monday anyways. I got to spend my lovely day working while Jared floated around not working. Fun? No, not in the least...

This past weekend spring was all around me. I went out without a coat, my pond was completely defrosted and gleaming, my daffodils made their first appearance, and I went to the mall and saw all the spring clothes ready and awaiting purchase. The sun dresses, flip flops, little bags, tank tops, and flowy skirts were enough to give me spring fever. It hurt! I was more than ready to shed my winter gear, my four wheel drive, and hot tub for the warm weather. When low and behold we have a freaking snow storm extravaganza last night and all day today. It is beautiful but still I'm done with this snow thing. I love snow the first 2-3 times and then "uncle"!

My side patio set is engulfed...

Yes, there is a white SUV by the name of Rocky under there....

Jared spent his day doing a number of things. His main goal was to annoy me which he succeeded in doing. Later in the day he started planting for our vegetable garden. It was so cute seeing him sitting there at the counter planting little seeds into the bins to start new growths that eventually we will eat up. So amazing really.

Then of course I marveled at my orchid a bit more and since I have two buds now I figured I'd share an update!

1 comment:

Nickie. said...

ahh i hated yesterdays snow too. >.< i was enjoying the weekend also!! And you have been given 2 awards!!!

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