Monday, February 02, 2009

25 Things

I've been tagged by Nickie

Rules : Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. Then tag 25 people, including the person who tagged you - but I don't know if I know 25 people so I'm probably going to skip that part... :)

  1. I hate when people don't say please and thank you.
  2. I love the smell of gasoline.
  3. I'm so sensitive that I cry over anything.
  4. I still, at 27, get carded for cashing in scratch tickets!
  5. I love sandwiches and would be happy eating them for every meal every day.
  6. I will read while on the treadmill and even dorkier, I will listen to my books on CD on my daily commute and sometimes will sit in the car upon my arrival home to finish a good part while Jared watches me in the window wondering what the hell I'm doing.
  7. The Little Mermaid is still the best Disney movie ever.
  8. Someday I want to walk in my house and flip a light switch and my favorite music mix starts immediately...Jared is still working on this.
  9. When I turn 30, I don't want a party or anything other than a trip to see the Northern Lights and Jared knows this so he better come through!
  10. Sometimes I will just eat peanut butter from the jar for lunch when I work from home.
  11. When Abba made the song Dancing Queen, I swear they were thinking of me...
  12. I'm not afraid to embarrass myself or others for that matter.
  13. So I will sing songs in public, yell really loud, and wave ridiculously to get every one's attention.
  14. My sister absolutely hates this about me...
  15. I will go a work day without peeing because I can't be bothered to waste my time and if God had really wanted to make us awesome, he would have had us pee and poo one time a day in a easy fashion not wasting our valuable life hours!
  16. I can't be bothered to waste one minute of my life doing something I hate.
  17. We only get one life, why waste it?
  18. I will give you everything I have if you need it.
  19. Listening to live music with my eyes closed is one of my biggest pleasures in life.
  20. Sometimes I will write and imagine and entire story in my head.
  21. Because I'm thinking 24/7 and my brain never turns off.
  22. When I first saw the Great Wall of China, I was in tears.
  23. Traveling makes my world whole.
  24. If I could have one super power it would be teleportation so I could travel more easily. None of that waiting around crap.
  25. My feet don't reach the floor in my office chair...

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