Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jonah Cohen

On cold December day back in 2004, Jared and I had a date at an old bar in Providence that is now shut down. We met up there, both driving very far, to watch one of our favorite artists Ari Hest. It was during our six month stage and we were so very much in love. We sat at small bar table, had a drink, and cuddled as it was our last night before Jared left for a week on business. I remember it like it was yesterday.

It was a weeknight, I think a Monday, and we both had to work in the morning so we were really hoping just Ari was playing. But someone got up there first and we were superbly peeved. He was none other than Jonah Cohen. We just sat there and complained for about 20 minutes about how tired we were going to be and how we just wanted to see Ari. But Jonah wasn't too bad so we stopped being so annoyed and the night continued on. After Jonah did his thing, Jared being the radio guy he was back then approached him to come on his show and the two got to talking in what would soon become the best friendship Jared has ever had to date. That night we also discovered Keri Noble. Her love ballads entered our world and helped mold our love. So all in all it was a fantastic night.

Back to Jonah... Jonah Cohen is by far the nicest, most considerate, intense, and caring person I have ever met. Not to even mention the talent the guy has. Jared and Jonah have been working together on his music ever since that night so he's been a fixture in our lives and a good one at that. When Jonah's music career did not soar off like we were hoping, he decided to go to medical school and that is still where he is today.

The thing with Jonah is that he never does anything half-fast. He is in medical school but he works harder than anyone I've ever met. He is studying non stop but still has his love of music and his new album, Harboring the Day he did while still in school. I don't think the man sleeps...

We don't get to see Jonah often because he is so busy but Jared talks to him as often as he can and we love to listen to his music still. Every time after we see Jonah, we can't help but talk about how much we care about him because he really is the sweetest guy around and we wish we could see him more.

I heard from Jared that one of Jonah's song was featured in the movie Her Best Move. We watched the trailer, watch it here and when the girl is on the bike, that song, Brand New is Jonah's! I just think that is so cool! I was so proud of Jonah when I found that out, I was in tears. Last night, I was going through Netflix and found that movie and figured, I should watch it. So I did and it was amazing to hear Jonah's song. The movie was not the best but knowing that one of our best friend's songs was featured in it was the best part about it.

We both really love Jonah and no matter what he pursues I know he will do fantastic because that is the kind of person he is.

Jared and Jonah in the studio during the good ol' days.

1 comment:

Nickie. said...

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