Sunday, December 02, 2007

December time

It's Christmas time!! I LOVE Christmas. My cards are ready to go out, my tree we're getting today, the decorating will commence and my gifts will get wrapped. So since all these things are in motion, working during the week is absolute horror. I don't want to be locked at a desk all day when I can do Christmasy things. So I think we should all have the month of December off and no bills are due either. That would be awesome!

So it's been a crazy week around my family. My beautiful God daughter Abbie (Abbiemeister) was diagnosed with Leukemia. Thankfully it's the good kind so they expect her to be okay after chemo for a few years. Abbiemeister is only 1 1/2 so it's been hard on her and especially my cousins. Please have her in your thoughts and prayers.

Smudge pulled a fast one on us last night. We thought she ran outside when company left. It was late and really cold. We could not let her stay out all night in the frigid temps so Jared and I kept calling for her to come in. Jared put his coat on and was walking around, driving around and calling her name for about 30 min. He came in the door and the cat was at the top of the stairs. Hello! We can 't even tell if our cat is in or out, the little hiding devil... In any event, I had to be the one that suffered from Jared's freezing feet and hands in bed because of the ordeal....

Wow, I guess it's been pretty boring here considering I'm writing about cat stories. I definitely don't want to be a cat lady that has cat stories only. Eventually I'll have kids and kid stories. But for now, Smudge is our child, crazy as she is.

Count down to Christmas...23 days! Count down until In Laws visit...21 days! Count down to when you're sanity returns after the holidays and family idea...

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