Saturday, April 07, 2007

Gardening and Time

It’s April. Well, April 7th to be exact. #1, it’s Mathew’s 3rd birthday. I remember like it was yesterday the day he was born. I was in the ER awaiting my favorite drug to do it’s thing and give me pain relief but that’s a whole other story. But I remember before I was out cold, I was told that Mathew had been born. Then the first time I met him, he came to my hospital room to meet me. I had always thought it would be the other way but what can you do. I can’t believe it’s been three years since he was born. It’s crazy!

#2, April is supposed to be warm. Well warmer of course than March but it’s definitely not so far. It’s FREEZING here. I can’t break out my flip flops, capris, or roll my windows down in the car. I’m ready for the spring and so is everyone else but apparently Mother Nature is not.

Our yard is starting its spring cycle and it’s amazing to watch the growth spurts before you eyes. It seems there are thousands of daffodils in our yard. That is so exciting to me. There is a house across where we used to live and every year around this time I would drive by and be in awe by the thousands upon thousands of daffodils in their front lawn. It was such a beautiful sight. I always wanted to have that kind of presence in my yard someday. Now everyday I’m patiently awaiting the next day and watching the greens grow taller knowing that eventually a bright yellow bud is going to pop out. Sooner than I know our yard will be bursting with colors. We’ve got some enormous beautiful trees, the daffodils, we have rose bushes and lilacs and so many more that we’ve yet to discover or figure out what they are. This is such a lively time of year and I’m really looking forward to seeing what blooms.

#3,tomorrow is Easter Sunday. Just another reason why I feel that time is flying by. I seems like we just finished Christmas. But how can we keep track of holidays these days when they seem to be tripping over each other because of how fast time flies. I wonder if it’s just me and the way my life is going or if it’s in general. How can you stop the days from going by so fast? How can you sit still, enjoy the moment and wish it would last for a day instead? Is it even possible? When I figure this out, I’m going to publish a book so that everyone else can enjoy this phenomenon too.

"Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,and things are not what they seem.
Life is real!
Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art; to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul."

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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