Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pumpkins, Plums and India

How do caterpillars live? Well I found today a patch in our apple tree that was home to the caterpillars. It looked kind of gross but also interesting...

King of the bushes. Sooty loves going outside now and just bounces around all day long. If you even look at him he runs 100 mph in the other direction thinking you're going to make him go inside. He can even climb trees like a pro. Only downside is he comes to the door and squeaks and cries to come in when he has to go to the bathroom. What the heck? The whole point of him going outside is to poop out there and not in my house!! Anyway, today I was tending the roses and was playing across the way from me by the deck. There is this giant rock and he was sitting behind it. He jumped up and had his paws on top and was peeking his head over. He looked so darn cute and I was cursing myself for missing this Kodak moment. He sat there for about a minute and I tried to run and get the camera but as soon as I walked any where near him he bolted up the tree and there was no way in hell I was getting that moment back.

Smudge and Sooty are still not the best of friends and while Smudge has the killer instinct (thanks the for the second dead bird this weekend, Smudge), Sooty is the one that swats at moths in the house for fun and watches them suffer, never actually killing or eating them...

We got some plums! They are very small, but they taste good!

The pumpkins are looking good! My brother can't wait to pick his once it's ripe enough!

Jared is doing well. He has spent the last couple weeks experimenting with all his cook books. Which lets face it is no pity for me! I love trying all his new creations and he's not let me down once yet. Everything has been delicious. He's particularly been in this Indian kick. We've been shopping at the Indian market, listening to Indian music, and eating Indian food. I told Jared we should just movie to India since we'd fit in so well with them at this point!

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