Monday, September 12, 2011

This is Just Ridiculous

In fact, it's too ridiculous for words... so bear with me while I complain for a few minutes...

I'm leaving next week for a big work trip, a very big trip in which I'm not exactly ready for yet.  This week and next are my busiest weeks ever.  But I'm currently dealing with the following:

  1. I'm SICK!  Again.  I have had a sore throat for a week.
  2. I am coughing up a lung every five seconds.
  3. My voice is barely there.
  4. My nose is stuffed to the brim.
  5. I feel like ass and I just woke up this morning with...
  6. Pinkeye!  WTF!
Lyla started daycare last week for one day and I get bombed with every disgusting thing?  She's got a runny nose and started coughing last night.  Might I add she's coming with me to my work event.  

I'm pretty contagious right now and hope my kid does not get this. OMG could this be any worse right now?  I'm supposed to be in the office all week; yikes!

Okay, complaining complete.

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