Monday, May 02, 2011

Working Mom Mondays - Miss Independent

I can not change my daughter's diaper.  There I said it.  Currently Miss Lyla will not sit still long enough for me to change her. I've tried toys, I've tried bribery, I've given her things I normally would never let her have, and I've even tried doing it on the floor rather the table.

My little girl is just too independent to get her diaper changed.  I lay her down and she rolls over, sits up, then stands up against me and hugs on to me before I can even say "lay down!".  She's so fast!  But that is not the worse part.  Once I find the one object to hold her attention for a few minutes to get her undressed and diaper off, she's back at it.  And she doesn't care if she has poop all over her butt and does it anyway.  I find myself hanging on to her for dear life while she is in some crazy acrobatic move and me not allowing her but to touch anything.  It's quite humorous.  It's even funnier as I'm in mid wipe my laptop dings and someone is looking for me on IM (where we do a lot of work chat daily).  I'm thinking to myself, if only that person knows I'm currently powdering my daughter's ass while they are looking for me.  God forbid my cell phone rings and I have to ignore a work call.  Lyla is just more important what can I say! However it would be nice for her to sit still!

Any tips for me on getting your child to stay put during diapering?  

1 comment:

christina said...

Oh, it only gets worse! We gave up the table about the time and only do the floor. I've resorted to pinning Ash down in whatever way humanly possible while still accessing his diaper!

And wait until you have to do changes while they are standing/running away. Yes, it can be done. ;)

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