Monday, May 09, 2011

My Mothers Day with My Lyla

I had an amazing day yesterday.  I just watched Lyla, played with her, and cuddled with her.  She made me a mom so I took all my time yesterday to be with her.  It was wonderful.  Here are a few things we did together:

Snuggled on our chair and sang songs (she really liked the Abba songs best!)
Read some books.
We played with her new toy block game.
We ate some candy that we sneaked from daddy.
We shared a leftover rainbow cup cake.
We shared an ice cream sundae (not my best eating day nor hers!)
We went for a walk in her wagon.
We played in the grass.
We even went swimming - fully clothed!  Well what started with putting our feet in the pool ended up with a very excited Lyla who just decided to dive in while holding my hand.  We were soaked but had fun!
We had a dance party.
I told her stories.
We went through her birthday presents and wrote thank you notes.
We went out to dinner and shared some chicken and vegetables.
We went and bought flowers for our garden.
We both went to bed exhausted!

Hope you all had an amazing mother's day.  But remember mom's should be celebrated and appreciated every day.  Don't forget to tell your mom how much you love her often.

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